Вітання випускникам!

Вітання випускникам!

Dear graduates,
I am so proud of superachievers from group 71 whom I have been teaching for two years and enjoying every second of our prolific work. Having students like you is priceless.
You are ambitious and brilliant! For all the times of late night studies, permanent lack of sleep and sacrifice of enjoyment your reward today is your Bachelor"s Diploma! My hearty congratulations on your graduation and wishing you good luck, successful future and wonderful carrer in the field you have chosen!
Larysa Olexandrivna

Адреса та контакти

 м. Черкаси,

бульвар Шевченка, 79,

навчальний корпус № 3,

4 поверх, каб. 413, 415

 (0472) 36-03-22

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