Вітання випускникам!

Вітання випускникам!

Dear Graduates!

Congratulation on being a graduate!

We will always think of you as STUDENTS. OUR STUDENTS.

Smart, inquisitive, curious, researchful, inventive, creative, talented, funny, naughty, inexperienced sometimes, but willing to learn, to study, to self develop. 


Time has passed so fast. We’ve had good time together.

Though you may now consider yourself learned, always remember that it’s important to remain a learner. Make learning a lifelong practice.

Graduating is not the end of hard work – it’s just a break before you get into the new and bigger challenges in life.

Graduation is a time for celebration, a time of reflection, and a time to look ahead. I am wishing you a great sense of accomplishment as you celebrate your hard work. Just remember that like university, all things that are worth it take time and effort. Continue to follow your dreams and dream big. As a saying says, shoot for the moon and you’ll be among the stars!

До Дня Гідності і Свободи 4Б гр

Кураторська год 75 гр76 кураторська година

I am proud of you!

With love and best wishes,

Lyevochkina S.V.

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 м. Черкаси,

бульвар Шевченка, 79,

навчальний корпус № 3,

4 поверх, каб. 413, 415

 (0472) 36-03-22

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